I am back!! Just got my computer back and it is virus free now. Just have to get all my programs back on it now and then work on rebuilding all of my websites then I can get back to soap making.
Thought I would show a few things today first up is the batch of Basil Nectarine soap. This was the scent that won the poll, but I didn't feel my colors came out all that great see pictures. So I decided to chunk it and try again and my redo didn't come out any better. Guess I just need to start fresh and try that scent again.
Next up I thought I would show the reason why I have a hard time picking what scents to make next. I seem to have an addiction to fragrance oils! Now mind you some of these came in my bag from the bittercreek.com convention and to top it off it doesn't help me that there is a candle supply company 1 mile from me! Not all of these are skin safe but maybe you get the idea of why I go back and forth on what to work with next. I seem to have them stashed every where in my house :)
Got my new digital camera this weekend!! Now I just need to read the book some more then I will be taking all kinds of great pictures of my soaps so stay tuned.