So if you remember back to my The Story of Cherry Cola soap I mentioned this one seems to change color as time goes on and comes out looking even better.
Well I figured it was time to check in on it again and sure enough it is really coming out great. The red has calmed down and softened out like the first batch I ever made in this scent. What do you all think? bottom one is the same soap just when it was fresh.
Big news this last weekend I purchased my first craft show tent!! One step closer to doing shows when I get moved back to Colorado.
I also have a new domain name which is way easier for everyone to remember it is http://gotsoaps.com/ so cool right?!!?
I am getting a rush of candle orders from my regulars, they are all trying to get them in before I leave the state on Nov 18. So for the next week or so I think I will be pouring candles non stop!